Enterprise Communication Platform Case Study

United States based manufacturer
Enterprise Communication Platform Case Study

Project Overview

Challenges: From WhatsApp to ClubHouse, from Telegram to Slack, the modern communication industry offers numerous tools both for casual and professional interactions. From good old SMS to full on Voice Messaging Apps, each user can choose their own preferred method to get the word out. Despite that, there is still a vast industry that’s left unaccommodated for its unique needs. That industry is — Construction. Our market study showed that an average blue collar worker in the US uses up to 5 different apps on a daily basis to stay in touch with all members of a given construction supply chain. When asked , “Why won’t you just use one app, for example, Slack?” interviewees say, — “It’s just not for us, it’s for the office workers” . Interviewees also mention that interacting with construction specific file types, like BIM or CAD, becomes a nightmare with common apps that are not designed for that purpose.

Our Solution

Activity Track-ability

Construction rework is extremely costly, each year the industry wastes billions of dollars on fixing the mistakes caused by poor communication. We tackled this issue by making every single piece of information in Hivot a bit extra searchable and traceable even after long periods of time. With Hivot’s powerful Search engine, various filters, bookmarking and tagging mechanisms, we considerably lowered the chance of costly miscommunication or data loss in your company, among your employees. Construction Software Integration

At first we made sure to research and closely observe the construction software market to prepare Hivot for all kinds of file types to accommodate. But then we went even further by introducing customized construction software Integrations directly in Hivo to make a construction worker’s daily activities 5X smoother and faster. Easy and Flexible Usage

We made using Hivot easy and secure. No password memorizing, no worrying about data robbery. Hivot login is designed through one-time passcodes we send our users via SMS. When on Construction site, Hivot Users don’t need to go through lengthy password recovery processes in case they forgot or misspelled it Powerful Feed

Construction sight can be messy, so we decided to gather all the valuable, up to date information in one place. We made our Superfeed feed extra customizable by allowing our users to use various filter combinations and saving their custom default views. Reliable Community Management

Privacy and Security are two core pillars of Hivot we ensured for our users. Hivot Communities are private,invite only mechanisms can’t be compromised by third party users. Each User is granted a unique accessibility to community data and can act only in accordance to their role in the app. This way we made